Battery Voltage Limit Analysis with Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Logic


  • Róbert Szabolcsi Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
  • József Menyhárt University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary



autonomous vehicle, UGV, SVM-Classification, fuzzy logic, battery


The effficiency and range of modern electric vehicles are crucial points in their design. Designers and engineers are highly motivated to find solutions to theses problems, or, as a rule, to improve existing electrical systems. Considerable number of modern batteries is available for use in electric vehicles and robots. The authors will propose new technology and new methods to use batteries with better efficiency. The authors propose to use the Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy logic in a new approach, which is the battery technical status management. The results show that it is possible to use these two methods simultaneously and they can ensure better results at the operation site.


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Szabolcsi, R., & Menyhárt, J. (2017). Battery Voltage Limit Analysis with Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Logic. Advances in Military Technology, 12(1), 21-32.

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