Adhesive Composites in Repairing Weapon Systems


  • Tomasz Smal Faculty of Management, Military Academy of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Poland



adhesive composites, field repairs, strength, durability, methodology of adhesives selection


The article presents the classification and application areas of adhesives while repairing weapon systems, research on adhesive materials’ durability, research on mechanical and strength properties of adhesive composites, research on durability of adhesive composites and methodology of their selection for expedient (temporary) repair in the field. The conducted research indicates certain constraints concerning the application of the examined adhesive materials. Consequently, any repairs provided with the use of adhesives should be in most cases only of temporary nature so that certain damage can be fixed quickly but only for a time of the particular task. It seems that the obtained research results, introduce issues of effective and efficient organization of the mentioned type of repair.

Author Biography

  • Tomasz Smal, Faculty of Management, Military Academy of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Poland

    Col. Assoc. Prof. Tomasz Smal, DrSc. Dean of Management Faculty


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Smal, T. (2016). Adhesive Composites in Repairing Weapon Systems. Advances in Military Technology, 11(2), 179-196.

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