Language Representations Based on C-BML and Their Processing


  • Ľubomír Dedera Armed Forces Academy of Gen. M. R. Štefánik, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic
  • Marek Benčík Base of Mobile Communications and Information Systems, Ružomberok, Slovak Republic



C-BML, MSDL, Domain-Specific Language, grammar, syntax, semantics, language processor


The paper tries to put together one computer languages view on Battle Management Languages (BMLs) with the current C-BML Phase 1 Standard: We present a case study on creating language representations by means of formal parsable context-free grammars and corresponding language processors in the area of military C2 systems utilizing the standardized C-BML data structures. We point out how techniques and tools previously used in the area of compilers (namely Flex, Bison) are exploitable in the military domain and thus might be helpful in integration of national command and control systems and deployment in multinational environment. We start with an introduction to C-BML principles and data model; next we describe the basis for our (Slovak) language representation followed by its specification in the form of a parsable context-free grammar; next follows the section devoted to the lexical, syntactic, and semantic processing of the language representation with the utilisation of Flex and Bison tools.

Author Biographies

  • Ľubomír Dedera, Armed Forces Academy of Gen. M. R. Štefánik, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic
    Department of Informatics
  • Marek Benčík, Base of Mobile Communications and Information Systems, Ružomberok, Slovak Republic
    Department of Communication Information System Services


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Dedera, Ľubomír, & Benčík, M. (2016). Language Representations Based on C-BML and Their Processing. Advances in Military Technology, 11(2), 159-170.

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