Wearable Systems and Methods for Monitoring Psychological and Physical Condition of Soldiers
physical state, psychological state, monitoring, army, health condition, wearable systemsAbstract
From the second half of the 1990s, thanks to more affordable and more powerful information technology and electronical systems for recording based on miniaturized sensors, we can observe a more intensive development of a method of data analysis and a system
that monitors the physical and psychological conditions of soldiers. Systems for measuring and evaluation methods of physical and medical data for the diagnostics of physical and psychological state have significantly spread, especially in clinical practice. This study,
however, examines the current technologies and usage of the wearable monitoring systems in military field. The result of this study is not only the not‐yet published summary of the current state, but also the proposed possibilities of usage and recommendation of specific systems, their sensors and system methods in the military. Thus, the article can serve as a guide for choosing suitable and affordable electronical wearable systems and methods of quantitative evaluation of physical and psychological conditions of people in the military.
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