Experimental Studies of Stereoscopic Vision for Command and Control Operations


  • Britton Wolfe Department of Computer Science, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
  • Beomjin Kim Department of Computer Science, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
  • Benjamin Aeschliman Department of Computer Science, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
  • Robert Sedlmeyer Department of Computer Science, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States


3D stereoscopic vision, virtual environment, command and control, visualization


3D stereoscopic vision is used in many applications, but the level of benefit to the user differs depending on the particular application. We studied its benefits for command and control applications such as battlefield visualization or disaster response. We conducted experiments where the subjects completed some simple military planning exercises both with and without 3D vision. 3D users had lower error in general, particularly when judging line of sight between two points. Furthermore, survey results show that most subjects preferred 3D. However, 3D took longer for completing the tasks. We also compared two ways of rendering military symbols in the virtual environment, finding that billboard style visualization boosted the subjects' efficiency when compared with draping the symbol on the terrain.


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Wolfe, B., Kim, B., Aeschliman, B., & Sedlmeyer, R. (2015). Experimental Studies of Stereoscopic Vision for Command and Control Operations. Advances in Military Technology, 9(2), 91-104. https://aimt.cz/index.php/aimt/article/view/1047

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