System of Systems Architecture for Generic Torpedo Defence System for Surface Ships


  • Jomon George Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi, Kerala, India
  • Jojish Joseph V Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi, Kerala, India
  • T Santhanakrishnan Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi, Kerala, India



systems engineering, system of systems, requirement analysis, torpedo defence system


Protecting war ships from Torpedo attack is considered as the most challenging task in Anti-Submarine Warfare. Torpedo defence system (TDS) is an essential fitment on modern high value platforms. Timely detection and identification of a torpedo attack is the primary function of a TDS. Localisation and countermeasures against the weapon are the next stage in torpedo defence. Detection of modern torpedoes with long endurance can only be achieved using an underwater sensor suit with wide frequency coverage. Tactical use of multiple counter measures is essential for evading an attacking torpedo with intelligent homing mechanism. Individual sensors and counter measures are no longer considered as a solution rather they are considered as components of a large network of systems to protect the platform from torpedo attack.  A system-of systems (SOS) architecture with multiple sensors, processing techniques, countermeasures and tactics are presented in this paper for achieving fail safe torpedo defence capability.

Author Biography

  • Jomon George, Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi, Kerala, India

    Mr. Jomon George received his BTech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and MTech (Electronics) from Cochin University. Currently pursuing his PhD at Cochin University. He is working as Scientist ‘G’ at Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL), DRDO, Kochi,India. His research interests include: Sonar system design, Sonar signal processing and Towed array sonar systems.


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How to Cite

George, J., Joseph V, J., & Santhanakrishnan, T. (2019). System of Systems Architecture for Generic Torpedo Defence System for Surface Ships. Advances in Military Technology, 14(2), 307-319.

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