Experimental Investigation of CFRP Impact Toughness and Failure Modes


  • Ondřej Flášar University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic




composite, impact, pendulum, impact toughness, bending, failure mode


The experimental investigation assesses the capability of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) to absorb impact energy. The method is based on measuring impact toughness of unnotched beam specimens made of laminates with woven and unidirectional reinforcement in either cross‐ply [0/90]n or angle‐ply [±45]n orientation using impact pendulum testing machine. Low‐velocity impact produces interlaminar and intralaminar failures of beams which affect their energy absorptions. The resulting energy absorptions are evaluated from force‐displacement curves and subsequently discussed using assessment of loading processes and final failure modes.

Author Biography

  • Ondřej Flášar, University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic

    Ph.D. candidate on Department of Airforce and Aircraft Technologies, Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence in Brno


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Flášar, O. (2018). Experimental Investigation of CFRP Impact Toughness and Failure Modes. Advances in Military Technology, 13(1), 47-58. https://doi.org/10.3849/aimt.01214

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