Mathematical Modeling of the Design Process of Additional Aerodynamic Surfaces of the Wing as a Component of the Configuration of a Commercial Airliner


  • Aleksandr Gorbunov Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orenburg State University”, Orenburg, Russia
  • Aleksej Pripadchev Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orenburg State University”, Orenburg, Russia
  • Irina Bykova Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orenburg State University”, Orenburg, Russia


Additional aerodynamic surfaces, wing-tip mounted winglets, mathematical modelling, parametric synthesis, commercial airliner, structural optimization, automation of conceptual design, development and design procedures, model of characteristics


This paper introduces the methodology and the method of automated configuration design for the additional aerodynamic surfaces of the wing as a component of a commercial airliner’s configuration, based on the suggested mathematical model. The mathematical model allows to carry out a particular task of developing and designing the additional aerodynamic surface of the wing for a commercial airliner, as well as to select the required type of the additional aerodynamic surface for a certain aircraft. The decision on the required type of the additional aerodynamic surface for a certain aircraft is made by utilizing a specialized software product, where a multi-criterial approach to the selection of the method is implemented, when defining the tasks chosen. The automation of the design process for the additional aerodynamic surfaces of the wing as a component of a commercial airliner’s configuration is achieved by means of the software product that we have devised, written in an object-oriented high-level programming language.


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Gorbunov, A., Pripadchev, A., & Bykova, I. (2016). Mathematical Modeling of the Design Process of Additional Aerodynamic Surfaces of the Wing as a Component of the Configuration of a Commercial Airliner. Advances in Military Technology, 11(1), 29-42.

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